CIGRE 2014, focusing on HV and Submarine cable systems
Prysmian Group to reconfirm its commitment to technological innovation in HV and Submarine cable systems at CIGRE 2014.
Prysmian Group to reconfirm its commitment to technological innovation in HV and Submarine cable systems at CIGRE 2014
P-Laser, EPR and HVDC extruded cables are the state-of-the-art technologies the Group's display will focus on in Paris.
Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cables and systems industry, will showcase its comprehensive range of products and technologies, specifically dedicated to High Voltage underground and submarine power transmission, at the 2014 Biannual Session of CIGRE (the International Council on Large Electrical Systems, one of the key worldwide bodies operating in the sector) that will take place in Paris from August 25 to 29 (Palais de Congrès de Porte Maillot, stand 240, hall 2).
Prysmian boasts a long-standing tradition of presence of highly qualified and distinguished experts in Study Committees (SC) and Working Groups (WG), and active participation in the Council through technical papers. Outstanding subjects for the 2014 edition will be « Development and qualification of 150 kV cable produced with highly innovative P-LASER technology”, “Innovative insertion of very long AC cable links into the transmission network”, “138 kV transition joint between high-pressure fluid-filled and XLPE cables” in SC B1 – Cables and “Test procedures for use of wireless partial discharges instrumentation in HV networks” in SC D1 – Materials and Emerging Test Techniques. Prysmian experts will provide further insight on their technical papers presented in the SC sessions in dedicated Poster Sessions. Ultimate technologies and products for applications in the power transmission industry, both on-shore and offshore will be on display at the Prysmian booth in the Technical Exhibition.
With an extended worldwide industrial footprint of 17 plants dedicated to High Voltage cables and 3 plants fully dedicated to submarine cables, the Group can rely on the most advanced technologies to meet the ever growing challenges of the industry. Among the most remarkable projects in which Prysmian has recently been involved in the field of power transmission both on-shore and offshore there are some of the largest and most strategic developments such as the Western Link in the UK, the Hudson Transmission Project in New York and the Trans Bay Cable in San Francisco. In Europe, Prysmian is playing a key role in the development of power connections for offshore wind farms, with projects either completed or on-going in Denmark, Holland, UK and in Germany. In particular, Prysmian can boast its valuable contribution within the most important programme for the development of renewable energies in Europe launched by the German government, with multiple contracts for offshore HVDC grid connection awarded over the last 4 years, namely BorWin2, BorWin3, DolWin3, HelWin1, Helwin2 and SylWin1.
These achievements again demonstrate Prysmian’s commitment to support smarter and greener power grids worldwide as well as the leading position and the validity of the Group’s know-how and technologies in the development of state-of-the art cable solutions for power transmission, including EPR cables qualified up to Um 72,5 kV for inter-array applications.