Press notice
Press notes
Milan, 4 July 2014. Prysmian inform that on July 3rd during transfer voyage from Arco Felice (Naples/Italy) to Bremenhaven (Germany) the barge AMT Explorer chartered for the transportation of power cables for Deutsche Bucht and Butendiek off shore wind farms in Germany, capsized when pulled by a tug boat.
As a consequence, the cargo and the rotating platform have most likely sunk. The event took place in international water in a position which is some 50 nautical miles southwesterly of Sardinia. We are pleased to report that all crew are safe and sound.
The barge is owned by ship-owner Augustea Anchor Marine Transportation, Smit Salvage is currently handling the wreck, following the capsizing happened.
Prysmian indicate in euro 28 million the value of the cables transferred and clarify that adequate insurance coverage is in place to face the event.
Prysmian and TenneT are working at their best capabilities to avoid consequences that may affect the project execution timetable.