Prysmian supports Milan's Science Museum
A new wing of the Italian Museum just inaugurated: the Group has supplied optical fibre and low voltage cables
Milan’s Science Museum Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci has inaugurated a new wing called Cavallerizze, following major building refurbishment and urban regeneration works. Prysmian Group, one of the initiative’s sponsors, has supplied optical fibre and low voltage cables from its AfumexTM and AmicoTM ranges.
“It is a great honour for us to partner the largest Science Museum in Italy and one of the most important in the world,” stated Lorenzo Caruso, Corporate and Business Communications Director. ”This is a partnership of excellence, which brings together two important organisations in the city of Milan: the Museum, known to everyone because it houses the Toti submarine, and our company, a manufacturer that was formed, has grown and is rooted in the local area.”
A large proportion of the products supplied to the Museum consists of Afumex 1000 AmicoTM power transmission cables, which are identified by coloured lines on the cable sheaths. At the time of installation, this allows the installers to easily select the cable to be used, quickly identify the cable section and work on the electrical boards orderly and cleanly.
The optical fibre cables donated to the Museum feature LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) technology. The protective jacketing of these cables is composed of thermoplastic or thermoset compounds that release very limited smoke and no halogen when exposed to sources of heat/flame.
The Cavallerizze are historical buildings located in the area of the museum complex, constructed around the middle of the XIX century, when the Museum’s monumental building, a former Olivetan monastery, was used as a military barracks. The bombing in 1943 destroyed part of the monumental building, razed to the ground the southern Cavallerizza and demolished two bays of the northern one, which has now been restored. When the buildings were rebuilt to accommodate the Museum, the two Cavallerizze buildings were used as storage depots.
The refurbished building is bound to become one of the icons of both the Museum and Milan and will host major exhibitions, installations and events.