Wheatstone LNG

Partners of Choice
Chevron’s Wheatstone LNG facility includes two LNG production trains that will initially produce 8.9 million tonnes of LNG per year, a 200 terajoule domestic gas plant with associated gas processing facilities, LNG condensate and storage facilities and a port for material offloading and LNG export jetty.
Prysmian was chosen to supply all the onshore power, control, instrumentation and telecom cables and is providing a range of services to make sure the project stays on schedule.
Global Reach
Plants in Australia, the Netherlands, USA, Italy and Spain have all made important contributions manufacturing 132 kV High Voltage cables and accessories, Medium and Low Voltage and Control, Instrumentation and Fibre Optic cables that deliver superior performance in the harsh environment of Western Australia where they need to resist very high levels of UV radiation and attack from termites.
This project demonstrates the advantage of working with Prysmian. Our Australian manufacturing and services team applied our experience of supplying multiple LNG projects in Australia over the past ten years. They coordinated the design and delivery of cables from seven Prysmian factories in five different countries and called on the specialist design and manufacturing capacity in Europe for instrumentation and custom designed cables for VFD and fieldbus.
Local Expertise
In total six million metres of cable have been supplied on over 4,000 cable drums. To make sure the project received the right material at the right time, Prysmian provided a cable management service, including storage & cutting, from our Kewdale warehouse in Perth, WA. This ensured all Chevron’s project milestones were met while minimising cable waste and carefully managing costs.