Prysmian Group HQ: the Building Structure and the Work Spaces

categories: Corporate 

“Prysmian Group Headquarters: the Building Structure and the Work Spaces”, Milan, February 15.

Milan, Italy   -   13/02/2019 - 01:00 AM

The meeting “Prysmian Group Headquarters: the Building Structure and the Work Spaces” will be held in Milan on February 15, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The event is organised by Zintek, with the support of the Milan and Venice Architects Associations, their respective foundations and the Polytechnic of Milan.


The event will be dedicated to the new Prysmian Group Headquarters project, in which Zintek has taken part by designing the roof covering, a part of the facades and some interior design details.

A Venice-based company of the Cordifin Group, Zintek is the only Italian producer of the zintek® zinc-titanium laminate to be used in architecture and a point of reference for creating zinc-titanium covering solutions, facades and rainwater goods suitable for any environment.

The event, coordinated by Professor Marco Imperadori of the Polytechnic of Milan, will be attended by the main players involved in the headquarters project, as well as the Milan and Venice Architects Associations.

"We are proud to host this important initiative: our HQ is a source of pride for us, not only from an architectural and structural point of view, but also in terms of sustainability" - commented Andrea Pirondini, Prysmian Group COO - "Each detail of our new home has been designed in the name of energy efficiency and smart working, to improve the way people work and the impact on the environment of our activities".

The following speakers will take the floor at Prysmian Auditorium’s stage: Andrea Pirondini, Prysmian Group COO; Paolo Mazzoleni, President of the Milan Architects Association; Anna Buzzacchi, President of the Venice Architects Association; Gianni Schiavon, Zintek CEO; Maurizio Varratta, project architect and author; Antonio Traversi, Prysmian Real Estate Director; and Marco Imperadori, Professor at the Polytechnic of Milan, who will also be moderator for the event.

An HQ guided tour will follow the speeches and all attendees will be offered a remarkable volume dedicated to the project, including technical drawings and a great set of images. This volume is a further contribution to Zintek’s deeply rooted tradition, a true example of what has turned into its mission: disseminating the knowledge of excellent Italian architecture, while also spreading its own work culture.

Read more about the new HQ