Prysmian speeds up purchasing processes to engage customers

Prysmian speeds up purchasing processes to engage customers

categories: Corporate 

MMS South America: an IPad and a new system to engage and build a stronger relationship with customers

South America   -   28/02/2018 - 01:00 AM

Prysmian Group’s strategy is oriented towards a customer-centric approach. To give more support to the Sales Team and provide a better purchasing experience for customers, Prysmian’s MMS South America Customer Service has launched two initiatives, that are part of a bigger action plan of customer engagement carried out in 2 years.

As Edison Castro, MMS Prysmian South America Director, points out: “Being close to our customers is an important part of our growth strategy. There is no doubt that improving the purchasing experience contributes to a better result.”


Starting from October November 2017, salespeople of Prysmian MMS South America have been equipped with an I-Pad and a system called @cable. The IPad provides an interactive, dynamic and technological tool to the Sales Team while @cable offers a new procedure and speeds up the implementation of the Sales Orders in SAP system.

In addition to reducing Customer Service and Commercial operational processes, this implementation is in line with our sustainability commitment: in fact, the @cable allows to operate in a complete paperless way. Inside the IPad salespeople can find all content they need such as Prysmian corporate videos, @cable website, datasheets in 3 languages (Portuguese, Spanish, English), Groups’ and MMS Presentation, catalogs, taxes calculation datasheet and price list policy.

The @cable website, which has been developed internally by IT Brazil, allows to insert Sales Order online, check information (address, backlog, invoices, credit limit, xml), register clients and any other information that has to be gathered by the sales team.

These improvement actions have brought outstanding results by making customer service and commercial more agile, reinforcing the perception of the brand thanks to direct access to online social media, cost reduction, mistake minimization and, of course, the guarantee of on time sales orders on SAP. The aim is to spend more time in creating relationships rather than carrying out operations that can be automated. The first success indicators can be found in qualitative and quantitative parameters. Among the former, an improvement in terms of customer engagement and value perception of customers. In terms of numbers, a 55% reduction of time spent for Customer Service and Commercial activities in handling sales order processes.

Fernanda Gaibina, MMS Customer Service Prysmian South America, concludes: “These innovative actions speed up the process between our Customers and Prysmian, allowing us to provide a faster, efficient and personalized experience. Our aim of creating a deeper relationship with our customers through listening, simplifying processes and involving the team enabled us to engage our customers, making them our best brand promotors and translating the resulting loyalty into higher sales. We look forward to share these initiatives with other areas and Countries!”