Fast Forward Operations

Fast Forward. Boosting Operations

Exploring the Group’s industrial strategy: efficiency of production, technological excellence and social and environmental sustainability.

We’re revolutionising the way we work. Delivering better value, quality and excellence to our customers, and creating operations and manufacturing experts of the future.

Manufacturing is the soul of our company. We were born to produce. And our world-leading reputation is a result of a truly customer-centric approach. A key part of our continued success therefore, lies in ceaselessly improving our processes, the quality of our output, and the capabilities of our Operations and Manufacturing employees.

We’re committed to quality and efficiency and committed to our people in order to remain committed to our customers. So we’ve developed an ‘Operational Strategy’ that actions our commitment. Designing the functional processes of this strategy is the task of Andrea Pirondini, Prysmian’s Chief Operating Officer.

We’re focused on expertise, speed and adaptation across the company. On promoting smart working. And our recruitment and training programmes are creating industry experts and leaders. 

Guaranteeing excellence

One of the critical factors of our success is Factory Reliability. As Pirondini explains, “this process aims to make planning and production more reliable in terms of volumes and timing, by strict monitoring of stock levels (raw materials, semi-finished and finished products) and to improve quality, effectiveness and efficiency along the whole supply chain.” 

Minimising cost. Maximising efficiency.

What’s more, because we bring both a global presence and local expertise to the entire supply chain, we can deliver unrivalled cost-efficiency, without compromising on the world-leading quality that our customers expect.


Making something extraordinary

Also at the heart of our strategy lies the Fast Forward Operations approach.

Fast Forward Operations is the programme established to implement Prysmian’s industrial strategy within the Group. It involves all business units, from R&D to HR, and encompasses many forward-thinking concepts, from innovation to sustainability. 

 “We adopted a twin strategy. On the one hand, we are concentrating on the products with the highest technological value in a limited number of plants where we can exploit economies of scale. On the other hand, we are making the commodity market even more efficient, exploiting our extensive presence geographically to minimise distribution costs” 

Andrea Pirondini

Chief Operating Officer


The Fast Forward Operations approach is built on the following pillars: 

The programme title refers to our response time to customer needs, but also to the rapid delivery of our solutions, the prompt management of any critical situations, the streamlining of decision-making processes and the swift reaction to changing market demands. 

Agility is key when managing customer requirements, and to that end we’re investing in large, modern centres of excellence and professional training courses to improve the manufacturing chain for fast, flexible service. 

We’re strengthening the talents, leadership skills and technical abilities of Prysmian employees.

For this reason, in partnership with Human Resources, Pirondini’s Operations team has recently launched Manufacturing Academy, a series of professional training courses aiming to develop a new generation of specialised engineers and to create a solid professional network for the exchange of know-how between staff.

What’s more, our Make It! Programme aims to attract talent and introduce new lifeblood to our factories, by recruiting engineering professionals with experience in manufacturing, operations and quality functions from outside the cable industry.

We’re drawing together two key elements, data and human expertise, to transform our digital processes and ensure we continue to simplify and streamline production for cost-effectiveness. 

 “Our future success depends on our ability to progress, learn and improve as an organisation and as individuals” 

Andrea Pirondini

Chief Operating Officer

We want our people to think differently and follow their ideas, to have the power to dream and to change.

And thanks to Fast Forward Operations, they’re doing just that; helping to expand the future possibilities for our customers.