Prysmian Group’s commitment towards SDGs

The commitment of Prysmian Group in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

It was 2015 when the members of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, setting forth 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, and promoting peace and prosperity for all. These goals identify the global priorities for 2030 and represent a global commitment to transform our world and address pressing challenges facing humanity, portraying an urgent call for action addressed to all the countries, which are called to co-operate in a global partnership. SDGs, in fact, provide a comprehensive framework for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together towards a better and more resilient future.

Understanding the SDGs and their meaning

The SDGs cover a broad range of interconnected issues, including poverty eradication, health and well-being, education, gender equality, clean energy, responsible consumption and production, climate action, biodiversity conservation, among others. The goals envision a future where development is not achieved at the expense of people and the planet but instead foster a harmonious coexistence, aiming to strike a balance between social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. By setting these objectives, the SDGs provide a shared vision that guides governments, organizations and individuals in their efforts to create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world.

SDGs and the focus on sustainability

Sustainability lies at the core of the SDGs, as they recognize the urgent need to ensure that current and future generations can thrive within the limits of our planet's resources. The goals call for actions that foster sustainable patterns of production and consumption, promote clean and renewable energy sources, protect ecosystems and biodiversity, among others, with the aim to address the main sustainability threats and minimize the impacts of climate change. By integrating sustainability into various aspects of development, the SDGs offer a roadmap for creating long-term prosperity while safeguarding the Earth's natural systems.

Prysmian Group’s commitment towards sustainable development

Eight years on, we have made progress, but there is still a lot of work to be done to reach the goals and, in this challenge, companies have a vital role to play. As key drivers of economic growth and innovation, businesses possess the capacity to make substantial contributions towards achieving the goals.

With a view to sustainable development, the Prysmian Group has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the largest strategic corporate citizenship initiative in the world, which was launched to promote a sustainable global economy and requires participating businesses and organizations to agree, support and apply a set of fundamental principles covering human rights, working standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.     

This initiative, promoted by Kofi Annan in 1999, when Secretary-General of the United Nations, has the goal to encourage and facilitate dialogue and cooperation among all stakeholders, in support of the Ten Principles and of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.


Concrete actions undertaken by Prysmian Group to achieve SDGs

In line with what was stated above, Prysmian Group actively contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by implementing specific measures in its daily activities. In particular, Prysmian Groups is committed in the following areas:

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructures (Goal 9), by developing innovative products and solutions that support continuous improvement of the sustainability of telecommunications and energy infrastructures.
  • Responsible consumption and production (Goal 12), by boosting the production and sale of high quality, reliable and “green” products and services.

  • Affordable and clean energy (Goal 7), by facilitating the access to clean energy via continuous investment in research for the development of advanced solutions for the production and transportation of energy from renewable sources.

  • Climate action (Goal 13), by pursuing the efficient and sustainable use of energy and natural resources by reducing consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, while minimizing the generation of waste and promoting the recycling and reuse of materials, helping to reach carbon neutrality on the path to net zero.

  • Life on land (Goal 15), by carrying out activities respecting natural habitats, performing advanced feasibility analyses of new plants, monitoring protected areas in the territories where the Group is present and, when required, contributing to their protection.

  • Sustainable cities and communities (Goal 11), by enabling the universal dissemination of energy and telecommunications via reliable, accessible infrastructure that makes entire communities more sustainable.

  • Decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), by promoting the socio-economic development of the communities in which the Group operates.

  • Gender equality (Goal 5), by promoting inclusive ethical conduct that respects the diversity of each person, protecting the rights of workers, developing a healthy workplace environment and encouraging the training and professional growth of all personnel.

  • Partnership for the goals (Goal 17), by promoting sustainable business practices between its suppliers and business partners and by developing effective, transparent and responsible communications with stakeholders.