UK Broadband and Mobile Providers commit to recruit more women
UK telecoms regulator Ofcom, BT, Sky Broadband, TalkTalk, Openreach, Three UK, Virgin Media O2 and Vodafone have entered into an agreement to help get more women into senior technology positions across the sector. The pledge aims to attract, retain, and promote women in tech-based roles, complementing existing efforts. By joining forces, the parties involved are striving to raise awareness and drive positive change. In December 2021, the FTTH Council Europe shared results of its Gender Diversity Survey. Most participants didn’t believe gender was a barrier to progression, but studies show that, in fact, it is. 60% of women and 80 % of men stated that everybody has the same opportunities to progress. However, in later career stages women are under-represented at higher seniority levels and over-represented at lower levels.