Connectivity for the South African market
South Africa
The Prysmian Connectivity Business Unit has recently been in South Africa, presenting product solutions to new and existing customers in the country in partnership with local distributor VH Fibre Optics. Over five days, the team made fifteen presentations to final end users of Prysmian products including Open Access and Fibre to the Home/Building (FTTH/B) network owners and South African installers.
With the aim of increasing sales and awareness of the telecoms solutions portfolio in South Africa, the team established several new leads in the market. They secured a field trial for the new SRS4000 distribution sub-rack solution as well as sample and quote requests for several other products, including the SJC, CMJ, MMJ and LMJ splices closures and MTWB indoor-outdoor MDU termination box.
The products presented hold the potential to support Prysmian customers in the country by increasing efficiency in installation, operation and costs. The SRS4000 distribution sub-rack solution takes up less space in network rooms and lowers costs for network owners, while the SJC splice closure for track and branch applications allows for cheaper and quicker network deployment. The MTWB termination box with connectors can reduce installation time and costs during drop installation as well as technicians in the field won’t require a splicing machine, nor splicing knowledge.
Lucas Cruces, Connectivity & Fibre Solutions Manager at Prysmian UK, commented: “The trip proved an extremely productive one for the Connectivity Unit and it was good to see such a great response to our products. It’s evident that our presentations resonated with our customers in South Africa and presented them with solutions to issues and problems they face. We look forward to the feedback on the sample requests and field tests we secured and another successful trip in the new year focused on FTTA and 5G solutions.”
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