Massive FTTH network thrust in 2012

categories: telecoms 

VolkerWessels Telecom awards Prysmian Group a multi-city FTTH network deal.


VolkerVessels Telecom chooses Prysmian Group (Draka) as a trusted partner based on previous successes to extend Reggefiber networks in the Netherlands in 2012. Project extends national broadband to additional 48.000 homes in 5 townships with a possible extension to over 63.000 households Prysmian Group will provide materials from its extensive portfolio for passive infrastructure deployment to townships and communities.

Direct buried outdoor microduct EaseNetXS solution for OSP will offer the easiest, most user friendly connector solution useable in all parts of the FTTH access networks. Prysmian Group EaseNetXS microducts offer easy branching (cut the thin outer coating and snap on a connector) and a user friendly technique during installation.

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