Proactive role in trade associations

Proactive role in trade associations

Prysmian's leadership in its industry is also testified by the Group's membership of the most important trade associations globally.

Institutional Relations, including corporate lobbying, and participation in trade associations contribute to the creation of corporate value through a strategic, stable network of external relations that are inspired by criteria of:


In addition, specific general principles must be observed when engaging in these relations:

  • in the process of interacting with institutional representatives, the company must employ transparent, lawful and autonomous accreditation channels;
  • the corporate interest involved in an ongoing decision-making process must be made explicit through the submission of proposals, suggestions, studies, research and analysis.

Information used during dialogue with the institutional representative should be transferred only after verifying that it is fully comprehensive and reliable. Some of the main issues subject to the Group's lobbying activities in 2023 were:

  • European Green Deal (with a focus on sustainable fibers);
  • Broadband Cost Reduction Directive;
  • Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

Also in 2023, consistent with what is defined in its Code of Ethics, Prysmian made no contributions in any form to political parties or politicians.

Leading trade associations

Enviromental topics:

Wind Europe. Over 450 members, counting manufacturers, suppliers and academics, have joined forces to promote wind energy throughout the world via research and outreach, seminars and policy guidance.

Global Alliance for Sustainable Energy. In 2022, Prysmian joined the "Global Alliance for Sustainable Energy", an independent global alliance to promote and integrate sustainability

Wash Pledge. By signing the Wash Pledge, Prysmian commits to ensuring access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in the workplace at an appropriate level for all employees across all of its premises.

In the energy area, the Group is a member of:

Europacable. Europacable represents the world's largest cable manufacturers, as well as highly specialized small- and medium-sized companies, at European institutions, monitoring policy and regulatory debates. Prysmian participates actively in various working parties, and even plays a leadership role in those with a specific focus on sustainability.

Friends of Sustainable Grids (FOSG). A non-profit association promoting a pan-European renewable, efficient and large-scale electricity grid that provides secure and affordable energy. The association mainly focuses on such topics as efficient governance, a harmonized regulatory approach and energy education.

In the digital area, Prysmian participates in:

Fibre to the Home (FTTH) Council. Founded in 2004, this group with 150 members seeks to accelerate the deployment of fiber optic connectivity. Its vision is of a sustainable future made possible by economic growth generated by new services using high-speed FTTH technology.

European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association. ETNO's mission is to develop a positive policy and regulatory environment that enables the deployment of state-of-the-art telecommunications networks and the provision of advanced digital services for European citizens and businesses.

Corporate social responsibily:

UN Global Compact. Prysmian is a participant of the Global Compact, whose principles and spirit are reflected in the Group’s culture, values and practices. Consistent with the Global Compact’s principles, Prysmian adopts policies and tools that safeguard the environment and human and workers’ rights while supporting local communities and the most vulnerable.

Valore D is Italy's first business association promoting gender balance and an inclusive culture for the growth of companies and the country.

Institutional communication:

In Italy, the Group joined Confindustria (the main organization representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy), ANIE (National Association of Electrotechnical and Electronic Companies, which brings together strategic players that make cutting-edge technologies available for the Building, Energy, Industries and Infrastructure markets) and Assonime (the association for Italian listed companies, which researches and addresses issues affecting the interests and development of the Italian economy).

In 2023, Prysmian’s major contributions were addressed to the following organizations and trade associations: Sycabel, ZVEI - German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, Europacable, Assolombarda, Assogomma, UN Global Compact and Global Alliance for Sustainability.

2023 contributions

Type of activity (in thousand of Euro) 2023
Lobbying, interest representation or similar activities 1,223
Organizations, local, regional or national political parties -
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups (e.g., think tanks) 1,621
Other types of activities, including Sponsorships 1,576
Total contributions and other expenses 4,420