Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder value creation

Prysmian's sustainability strategy is based on constant dialogue with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, universities and research centers, investors and trade unions). The goal is to develop a relationship of trust and transparency through an ongoing process during the numerous Multi-Stakeholder Engagement events held throughout the year. Through these events, we are able to identify the needs, problems and expectations of stakeholders and subsequently integrate them into the Group's strategy. These events also give rise to new improvement ideas that then lead to product and process innovation. Stakeholders are invited to provide their feedback on the main impacts (positive and/or negative) of the Group's activities throughout Prysmian's entire supply chain.

Interaction between Prysmian and stakeholders

Players Mission Actions
Customers Listening and interacting with customers to better serve them and drive innovation • Customer satisfaction survey; • Cable App and customer portal
Shareholders and investors Public Company with a broad shareholder base • Sustainable, long-term value creation • Shareholder meetings and participation
Schools, universities and research centers Investing in and promoting learning and training as major drivers of improvement and innovation • Prysmian Academy • Local mentoring program for 500 students
Local communities Promoting and contributing to the social and economic development of our local communities • Creation of nursery/school projects • Donation of cables to improve land development
Employees and collaborators Creating and fostering a work environment based on diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity, in which meritocracy plays a central role • Internal staff upskilling, mobility and development projects • Focus on Health and Safety
Suppliers Proactively promoting supply chain decarbonization by integrating ESG factors into supplier selection • ESG assessment of the supplier base • Sustainability audit

During the year, Prysmian organized several Multi-Stakeholder events, including:

  • Prysmian Sustainability Week
  • Local events targeting regional/national stakeholders; 
  • Topic workshops; 
  • Interviews with leading investors, academics and industry experts; 
  • Capital Markets Day.
  • Top Management Interviews; 
  • Local events during Sustainability Week; 
  • Speak up Survey (people engagement survey); 
  • Call and meeting with Sustainability Ambassadors; 
  • Sustainability Steering Committee; 
  • Prysmian Sustainability Academy courses and activities; 
  • Sustainability Call for Ideas Project.

To define and implement its stakeholder engagement process, Prysmian follows the guidelines of the 2015 updated version of the AA1000SES International Standard, developed by AccountAbility (Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability).

Dialogue with shareholders

Priority stakeholders certainly include shareholders, concerning whom value creation is one of the Group's most important objectives. This is why Prysmian focuses its strategic and financial communication policy on the highest standards of fairness, clarity and transparency, with the aim of increasing and consolidating investor confidence while seeking to foster a long-term investment approach to the stock and avoiding information asymmetries. Upon publishing its quarterly data, Prysmian organizes conference calls with institutional investors and financial analysts. In addition, the Company promptly informs the market about any action or decision that could have a material impact on the valuation and performance of the share.

During 2023, more than 500 conference calls and one-to-one or group meetings conducted both virtually and in-person at the Milan Headquarters and in the world's main financial centers such as London, Paris, New York, Sydney and Milan.

In addition, the Group increasingly devotes special attention to relations with ESG investors.

The number of ESG investors has increased substantially in the last five years, rising from about 13% in 2019 to over 49% at present. This latter percentage is well above the average for both the industrial sector and the Italian market.